Your Dog Listening to Every Your Command. With 15 Minutes of Training per Day!
You can’t get your dog to listen?
Your dog doesn't follow simple commands like sit, stay, or come?
Are you ashamed because your dog won't listen when you're at the park, in the mall, or with friends?
Are you walking your dog at night because you're too embarrassed about your lack of control?
Maybe you're even afraid because your dog's non-compliance might get you into trouble.
There’s good news!
You can have the dog of your dreams. Fast and easy.
Your dog can be your well-behaved companion.
Your worry-free furry friend. Focusing on you and listening to you - no matter what's happening around.
A dog to be truly proud of. Following every your command - the first time, every time.
Sounds too good to be true?
You might be thinking with your dog it's different...
...your dog is too young or too old.
...your dog's breed is hard to train.
...your dog is too stubborn, or
...too much of a “character” for that level of obedience.
That’s all wrong!
Let me explain how I know.
My name is Jean Cote - aka "The Dog Training Guy."
I'm a dog trainer and over the past 20-plus years, I helped more than 10,000 dog owners to train their dogs.
I've been their guide, showing them how to get from stress and despair to having a deep and loving bond with their perfectly behaved canine companion.
And the best, they all achieved it with the pure power of positive reinforcement...
...without any archaic training tools and technics that are bad and ineffective... matter if you just adopted your first puppy and want to start on the right paw or if your dog is already a senior citizen.
You can teach your dog ALL obedience skills - basic to advanced - and even the cool tricks you see all over social media...
...with only 15 min of training per day!!
I hear you saying, "Jean, good luck trying that with MY dog!"
I don't blame you.
Chances are you tried many ways to train your dog already - and they all didn't work.
Spare me 5 min of your time for the chance to turn things around - for you and your dog.
You'll discover why I decided to dedicate my life to help dog owners like you...
...and why I'm the perfect guide on YOUR way to the dog of YOUR dreams.
When I was a teenager, my family adopted a cute little off-white Lhasa Apso dog named Tobbie.
He would pull on the leash. Bark at anyone who dared to walk by our house. And sink his teeth into anything - no matter expensive shoes or the remote control.
We had no idea how to train Tobbie. So we did what most people do...
...we listened to friends and so-called experts.
They said, we'd have to "become the Alpha."
So we punished him whenever he barked. Yanked on the leash whenever he pulled. We even shook a can of rocks when he was "bad."
It didn't work. In fact, it made things worse!
A few weeks after we started with "becoming the Alpha" Tobbie became defensive and aggressive towards us.
He showed his teethes, growling at us when we came near him or his food bowl.
One evening, Tobbie started whining and begging for scraps while we were having dinner.
Up to a point when my father got irritated, reaching out to grab Tobbie to put him in the other room...
...just to get bitten on his hand by our dog!!
My father was bleeding, visibly upset.
The rest of the family was sitting at the dinner table without saying a word - in total shock at what just had happened.
At that very moment, I made a decision...
...I decided to find a way to train dogs without being mean and punitive but with being good and positive - treating them with the love and respect they deserve... a heartbeat, I understood that Tobbie had good reasons to be defensive!
We were nothing but a source of permanent pain for him - constantly punishing and correcting him.
From that moment, I became obsessed, reading everything I could find about new and better ways to train dogs - ways without crusted "becoming the Alpha" advice but with methods that - at first sight - seemed funky and "New Age."
Luckily, I kept an open mind and started to learn everything about a new training method that sounded almost too good to be true.
This new way of training, which has been successfully used not only to train dogs but other animals - like cats, birds, horses, and even dolphins - worked without ANY punitive and harmful methods!!
It worked with the pure power of positive reinforcement.
Positive reinforcement, which simply means rewarding good behavior instead of punishing bad behavior.
The more I read about it, the more I became convinced.
It made perfect sense!
How would you like to learn something new... being punished every time you make a mistake, or being rewarded every time you make something right?
We both know the answer to that question!
More than 20 years later and after helping more than 10,000 dog owners I'm more convinced than ever...
...there is NO better way to train dogs than with positive reinforcement.
Positive reinforcement that I teach step-by-step in my BEST-SELLING video course:
The Good Dog Every Day Program
Thank you for your great The Good Dog Every Day Program! I have a Aussie shepherd mix dog who is very sweet around family but is nervous and aggressive around other people and dogs so I am working very hard to get him into a loving pup! I have become very interested in dog training since our family rescued Maddog from the pound, he has been a hard but fun challenge! Thank you very much for the awesome product!
Joel O., Phoenix, Arizona
In The Good Dog Every Day Program, I show you that training your dog can be fun - for you AND your dog...
...and can be achieved with only 15 min of training per day.
That's right.
15 min per day is plenty when using a highly efficient training method.
A method that guarantees fast and lasting results, and that you'll learn broken down into easy-to-understand and easy-to-follow steps with me as your guide.
Guiding you with the help of short, high-quality video lessons that logically build upon each other for you to watch - and rewatch - whenever and wherever you want.
In the lessons, you'll learn my simple and highly effective 4-step training method that ensures you'll achieve your training goals like magic.
Training goals to check-off in a downloadable worksheet to easily keep track of your daily achievements.
This way, you first teach your dog crucial obedience skills, like Sit, Down, Stand, and Recall in a matter of days without wasting money on overpriced dog training classes.
You'll learn how dogs process new information and how to reward your dog for achievements.
With this knowledge, you'll then teach your dog even advanced obedience skills like Get In, Look at Me, Playtime, and Give.
Thanks to my proprietary sandwich method, your dog will love the training sessions and will always be in peak state during training.
This ensures your dog recalls verbal commands and visual signals from one session to the next.
You'll also learn to use words and a clicker to mark a behavior - making it easy for your dog to understand what behavior you want to reinforce.
With this advanced knowledge, you can take things further by teaching your dog cool tricks like Roll Over, Stand Tall, Figure Eight, Are You Shy, and Go to Your Spot.
It might sound impossible, but as you get insights into the power of positive reinforcement and its techniques - like capturing, luring, and shaping...’s ALL in your reach!
And as you achieve your goals with positive reinforcement, your dog's physical and mental well-being is guaranteed.
In fact, your dog will be happier than ever, looking forward to the next training session while forming an even deeper bond with you.
I love the program. It is a step by step process easily broken down into short lessons. The program is done in a way that it is easy to review a lesson if needed so you can work at your own pace. Because of this program, our relationship has improved so much. I have seen a huge change in my dog!
Fredda M., South Carolina, USA
But that’s not all!
The Good Dog Every Day Program saving you 100s if not 1,000s dollars worth of 1-on-1 training sessions doesn't mean you're left alone when questions come up.
Under each training video is a section where you can ask questions that I’ll answer fast and in detail.
You'll be having me as your guide, even without a personal trainer coming to your home - a trainer you can't be sure of the training methods used.
I remember one client from the UK who told me she hired a so-called "positive" dog trainer - but then the training was all based on punishing her dog for "bad" behavior.
You'll never know what's in the tin until you start working with a personal dog trainer.
Sadly, many dog owners can't tell the difference and simply do what they're told by the "expert"...
...with their dogs having to suffer the consequences.
Signing-up today will get you instant access to me as YOUR GUIDE.
A guide with over TWO DECADES of experience based on successfully helping more than 10,000 dog owners...
...without ever using ANY cruel and dated methods!
You'll be having me as your guide, even without a personal trainer coming to your home - a trainer you can't be sure of the training methods used.
I remember one client from the UK who told me she hired a so-called "positive" dog trainer - but then the training was all based on punishing her dog for "bad" behavior.
You'll never know what's in the tin until you start working with a personal dog trainer.
Sadly, many dog owners can't tell the difference and simply do what they're told by the "expert"...
...with their dogs having to suffer the consequences.
Signing-up today will get you instant access to me as YOUR GUIDE.
A guide with over TWO DECADES of experience based on successfully helping more than 10,000 dog owners...
...without ever using ANY cruel and dated methods!
Good Dog Every Day was simple, to the point & taught the basics – to the dog as well as to THE TEACHER! This was needed for the training of What EVERY DOG SHOULD KNOW! Thank you so very much in sharing this basic skill to me! It allows me to continue in the training of both my dogs, with more elaborate training skills. Since my dogs are trained with Service Dog Skills, this training has allowed me the basics & to further their education with the skills needed!
Grant A., Colorado, USA
Sign-up now...
...and join 1,000s of happy dog owners like Sue, Wendy, Joel, Fredda, and Grant and learn to form a deeper bond and live a more fulfilling life with the well-behaved dog of your dreams...
...all with 15 min of training per day!
As a Thank You for sparing me 5 min of your time, I make this decision an absolute no-brainer for you.
I give you instant LIFETIME access to the complete “The Good Dog Every Day Program” for a one-time payment of only $47...
...that's a full 50% OFF the regular price of $94!!
But you have to sign-up now...
Once you close this page, the offer will be gone. And you'll have to pay the regular price coming back.
And for the odd chance you don't like "The Good Dog Every Day Program" and can't see the MASSIVE VALUE it brings, you get my 30 days, no-questions asked, 100% money back guarantee!
I can't make this any easier for you.
Don’t let this unique opportunity pass.
Having the well-behaved dog of your dreams is within your reach.
All you have to do is SIGN-UP NOW!
Click the Get The Dog of My Dreams button below.
I can't wait to welcome you inside the course.
Your Jean Cote - aka "The Dog Training Guy"