This tutorial is part of The Ultimate List Of Dog Trick Ideas which contains 99 other tricks like this!
Say yes is a trick that will impress even the most doubting of audiences. A dog that can nod when asked if he wants a biscuit is fantastic fun.
Top tip; This may take patience as your dog might also try to look left and right, just keep his attention and eventually he will get the right combination to enable reinforcement of the nodding action.
Dog trainers love this trick because it is a challenge to teach and will improve timing during dog training sessions.
This tutorial is part of The Ultimate List Of Dog Trick Ideas which contains 99 other tricks like this!
This trick will teach your dog to look at the ground on command. This response is fantastic for persuading an audience that your dog knows exactly what you are saying.
Top tip; ensure that your dog does not get confused by thoroughly training this trick separately to the other tricks that teach him to look in a certain direction.
Dog trainers love this trick because it is so easy to teach using positive reinforcement and its great fun to watch a dog work out what to do for his reward.
This tutorial is part of The Ultimate List Of Dog Trick Ideas which contains 99 other tricks like this!
This trick consists of your dog looking upwards towards the sky. Most dogs are limited in how far they can point their nose into the air so keep this in mind whilst teaching this trick.
Top tip; although it may be tempting try not to lure your dog to look upwards, he will learn more thoroughly and maintain the lesson if he works it out for himself.
Dog trainers love this trick because it takes skill, patience and concentration to teach.
This tutorial is part of The Ultimate List Of Dog Trick Ideas which contains 99 other tricks like this!
A trick that gives the impression that your dog is saying no when asked a question.
Top tip; withhold reward gently until your dog is shaking his head with vigor.
Dog trainers love this trick because it uses excellent timing to chain together tricks that are already taught.
This tutorial is part of The Ultimate List Of Dog Trick Ideas which contains 99 other tricks like this!
A trick that teaches the dog to look right on command, this looks fantastic when used with the previous trick of looking left on command.
Top tip; with this trick ensure that you add the command word quite early in the training so the dog can learn the difference between looking left and right
Dog trainers love this trick because dog training is always improved by the necessity of applying excellent timing.
This tutorial is part of The Ultimate List Of Dog Trick Ideas which contains 99 other tricks like this!
A fascinating trick that will impress even the most skeptical of audiences, teach your dog to look left on command and anyone can be forgiven for appreciating his grasp on the English language.
Top tip; do not be tempted to prompt your dog to look left, he will learn far more thoroughly if he works it out for himself and then it’s reinforced.
Dog trainers love this trick because it needs excellent timing to teach and can only be taught by positive reinforcement.
This tutorial is part of The Ultimate List Of Dog Trick Ideas which contains 99 other tricks like this!
Teach your dog to give a big kiss on command. Kiss is a lovely and fun trick to try out on yourself and others.
Top tip; if your dog doesn’t get the idea perhaps allow him to take a small treat from your mouth and reinforce as he touches you initially then progress.
Dog trainers love this trick because it is great fun and easy to teach.
This tutorial is part of The Ultimate List Of Dog Trick Ideas which contains 99 other tricks like this!
A wonderful trick that looks lovely. The dog will get into the sit position and place both paws onto you for a reward. This is another trick that may take some thinking on your dog’s part but once established he will be offering the behavior at every opportunity
Top tip; it may help your dog if you train this whilst sitting on the ground before progression to sitting on a chair and then standing.
Dog trainers love this trick as it’s an interesting twist on the classic shake a paw trick.
This tutorial is part of The Ultimate List Of Dog Trick Ideas which contains 99 other tricks like this!
When your dog is giving you a paw a great spin is to ask for the other paw instead. This is another trick that will come quite naturally to your dog. It will become established with reinforcement.
Top tip; keep the treats close in order to prevent your dog wandering away, he will know if the treat is near his nose that he is on the right track by offering a paw. He just needs to work out that the other paw is required.
Dog trainers love this trick because it looks neat and encourages the dog to think for reward.
This tutorial is part of The Ultimate List Of Dog Trick Ideas which contains 99 other tricks like this!
Few people greet a dog without asking for a paw, this trick is as old as the sit request but a dog that gives a paw on command will always bring a smile.
Top tip; if your dog wanders away he may be confused, call him back and show him a treat to maintain his attention.
Dog trainers love this classic trick particularly taught with positive reinforcement.