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Category Archives for "Free Training Lessons"

How To Train A Dog To Close The Curtains

This tutorial is part of The Ultimate List Of Dog Trick Ideas which contains 99 other tricks like this!

Teach your dog to close the curtains and impress visitors every time he does it on command.

  1. Sit near the curtains with your dog and discreetly draw his attention to them, when he touches them reward and reinforce the touch and then withhold the reward which will encourage him to try to grab them.
  2. When he holds the curtain confidently move so that you are waiting in the direction that he needs to pull it.
  3. Call your dog and when he pulls the curtain along reward with lots of reinforcement praise and a treat.
  4. Repeat for the other curtain.

Top tip; safely pinning a tug toy to the curtain initially may help your dog to learn that he needs to pull the curtains for reward.

Dog trainers love this trick because it is fun and is a little unusual.

How To Train A Dog To Put Laundry In A Basket

This tutorial is part of The Ultimate List Of Dog Trick Ideas which contains 99 other tricks like this!

Fantastic and useful, teach your dog to put the laundry into the basket and he will certainly be earning his biscuits. This trick is similar to putting his toys away and a great addition to removing your socks or jacket.

  1. Sit with your dog and an item of clothing next to the laundry basket
  2. Pass him the item over the basket so if he lets go of it then the item will land directly in the basket when he drops the item into the basket reinforce and reward.
  3. Repeat this and when he has learned that the item going into the basket provides reward gradually move the basket away. Introduce the command word as the item is being dropped.
  4. Continue rewarding each time he puts the item into his basket after you have handed it to him then begin to put the item on the floor next to the basket.
  5. Ignore any behavior from your dog other than him putting the item into the basket and when he does this reinforce and reward.

Top tip; Add this command onto the end of your dog removing your socks to create a useful and fun routine.

Dog trainers love this trick because it provides a base for many other tricks

How To Train A Dog To Unzip Your Jacket

This tutorial is part of The Ultimate List Of Dog Trick Ideas which contains 99 other tricks like this!

Fantastic fun, a dog that helps you off with your coat as you walk into a room is a really impressive trick.

  1. Attach a piece of fabric to the zip of your coat or jacket.
  2. Encourage your dog to play with it with tug games reinforce and reward any contact with the fabric.
  3. As soon as your dog’s makes the zip move give lots of praise and reward then add in a command word for the trick and gradually withhold the reward until your dog is unzipping your jacket.

Top tip; you may need to sit on the floor or not wear your coat at all to begin with, particularly for the sensitive dog.

Dog trainers love this trick because it encourages focus from the dog on greeting therefore prevents over excitement.

How To Train A Dog To Take Your Socks Off

This tutorial is part of The Ultimate List Of Dog Trick Ideas which contains 99 other tricks like this!

Fun and impressive, the act of your dog taking off your socks never gets old.

  1. Play tug games with your dog to encourage a pulling action.
  2. Now play the same game with an old pair of socks until your dog feels confident to pull on them.
  3. Put the socks half on your feet, offer the loose end to your dog and use the command word.
  4. When your dog pulls off your sock reinforce and reward.

Top tip; if your dog lacks confidence taking a sock you are wearing into his mouth then you may need to reinforce and reward steps towards this.

Dog trainers love this trick because playing tug raises the confidence of a sensitive dog.

How To Train A Dog To Fetch The Phone

This tutorial is part of The Ultimate List Of Dog Trick Ideas which contains 99 other tricks like this!

A dog that will fetch the phone when it rings is a really useful trick to teach.

  1. First teach your dog to retrieve the phone, you can practice with an old one of you are worried about damage. When he brings the phone to you offer a treat in return.
  2. Then introduce the ringing sound and only ask him to fetch the phone when it is ringing, (someone will need to call you for this) reward as before.
  3. Now when your dog hears the ringing phone and automatically brings it to you for a reward you can begin to place the phone in different areas around the house.

Top tip; Keep the ring tone low in order not to worry your dog.

Dog trainers love this trick because it is useful and very impressive.

How To Train A Dog To Put His Toys Away

This tutorial is part of The Ultimate List Of Dog Trick Ideas which contains 99 other tricks like this!

Teaching your dog to put his toys away is very rewarding. Watching him gather everything into a box when asked is impressive and will make you proud.

  1. For this trick you will need a toy box along with a reward and some toys.
  2. Sit with your dog and a toy next to the box.
  3. Pass him the toy over the box so if he lets go of it then the toy will land directly in the box, when he drops the toy into the box reinforce and reward.
  4. Repeat this and when he has learned that the toy going into the box provides reward gradually move the box away. Introduce the command word as the toy is being dropped into the box.
  5. Continue rewarding each time he puts his toy into the box after you have handed it to him then begin to put the toy on the floor next to the box.
  6. Ignore any behavior from your dog other than him putting his toy into the box and when he does this reinforce and reward.
  7. Expand the trick gradually to other toys.

Top tip; Moving the box away slowly will keep it in your dogs mind when he is working out what to do.

Dog trainers love this trick because it really makes the dog think about the goal to get his reward.

How To Train A Dog To Shake

This tutorial is part of The Ultimate List Of Dog Trick Ideas which contains 99 other tricks like this!

A dog that shakes on command is both useful and fun to watch. This is a natural behavior for a dog with a wet coat so not difficult to reinforce but looks great when performed by a dry dog. You can utilize this trick after a wet walk to keep water out of the house.

  1. This trick can easily be taught in everyday life purely by positive reinforcement. You will need a quick reaction and some treats available at any point.
  2. Over the next few days when you are with your dog observe him carefully, when he shakes his body (after a walk or a swim) reinforce and reward the behavior.
  3. That’s really it for this one, by reinforcing each time your dog does something naturally, he will eventually offer the behavior on a training session, and you can then simply strengthen the act and introduce the command word.

Top tip; There is no time limit, just keep reinforcing and wait for your dog to offer the behavior for a treat, have patience because he will and by that point it will be an established and impressive trick.

Dog trainers love this trick because this is truly dog training by positive reinforcement alone.

How To Train A Dog To Wipe His Paws

This tutorial is part of The Ultimate List Of Dog Trick Ideas which contains 99 other tricks like this!

Great for cleaning off muddy paws after a walk, you can teach your dog to wipe his paws on a mat at the front door before entering the house.

  1. For this trick you will need either a mat or a towel, some treats and of course your dog.
  2. Place the mat/ towel on the ground and encourage your dog to stand on it, reinforce this position and reward with a treat.
  3. If your dog leaves the towel just wait for him to return to it and reinforce/ reward when he does
  4. Whilst he is standing on the item withhold a treat and wait for him to move his feet, if any movement is made regardless of how subtle reinforce the act and reward.
  5. Now it’s just a case of waiting for your dog to realize that his movement on the towel provides reward.
  6. Introduce command word and enhance the behavior by gently withholding the reward.

Top tip; if your dog scratches the ground on walks you can also reinforce and reward this behavior using the command word. This will help him get the idea when learning the trick on a towel at home.

Dog trainers love this trick because it utilizes the natural behavior of a dog and is helpful after long muddy walks, perfect for multi dog homes.

How To Train A Dog To Fetch A Drink

This tutorial is part of The Ultimate List Of Dog Trick Ideas which contains 99 other tricks like this!

Having your dog fetch you a drink from a fridge or cupboard is entertaining and when he knows how to open a door it’s not so difficult to teach

  1. Put a toy into a low cupboard which your dog is used to opening on command (see trick entitled open the door)
  2. When he opens the cupboard ask your dog to bring you the toy. Reinforce this action by swapping with a reward. Practice this with many different toys.
  3. Then simply add a specific command and change the object from his toy to a drink of your choice.
  4. When this retrieve is learned you can move the trick to different cupboards and if possible even the fridge.

Top tip; if the drink is difficult for your dog to pick up initially then you can begin the training by wrapping it in cloth or putting it into an old sock until your dog is used to the feel of it.

Dog trainer’s love this trick because trained carefully most dogs can be taught to fetch a cold drink from the fridge for their owners.


How To Train A Dog To Pass A Note

This tutorial is part of The Ultimate List Of Dog Trick Ideas which contains 99 other tricks like this!

This is a fun trick for all of the family. Writing a note and passing it to the dog to take to someone in another room is great.

  1. For this you will need a sheet of paper, a helper, some treats and of course your dog.
  2. Fold the paper and teach your dog to hold it in his mouth. You can teach hold by giving your dog the note then swapping the note for a treat a few times and lengthening the time between each treat. Initially the dog may only hold the note for a fraction of a second but this will improve with swapping for treats.
  3. When your dog is holding the note ask your helper to call him to them and encourage the dog to swap the note for a treat.
  4. Ask your helper to give the dog the note and at the same time call your dog for another swapping session. Repeat this until the dog is confident to go between you carrying the note.
  5. Extend the distance that your dog travels carrying the note until he can pass a note to someone by travelling through the entire house.

Top tip; if your dog finds it difficult to hold the note you can roll it up and wrap it in an elastic band for easier transit

Dog trainers love this trick because it can be easily modified and a dog can be a useful addition to a busy household by enhancing communication in a fun way.

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